Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Orgain Organic Protein: Plant Based Protein Powder Review

Today I was able to test out some Orgain Plant Based Protein Powder. It is Gluten Free, Soy Free, Vegan, USDA Organic, and GMO free.

I packed it in my lunchbox for today's breakfast. I find it hard to eat real breakfast in the mornings before work so I always pack a protein drink to enjoy while working to keep me full and to keep me on track with my diet. I usually will scoop out protein for the week ahead into snack sized ziplock bags so they are easy to grab and go. I keep a clean Blender Bottle in my car or lunchbox. I'll post more about my meal planning later on.

I normally will look for a protein powder that has around 100-150 calories per serving with at least 20g of protein. I also like them to have around 5 net carbs or less. The Orgain Vanilla protein powder has 150 calories per serving with 5 net carbs and a total of 21 grams of protein. The protein is plant based. It fits well into the nutrients that I look for in protein powder.

This sample was a 1/2 serving. The package suggested mixing with 4oz of water or unsweetened almond milk. I added 4oz of water and a couple of ice cubes to my Blender Bottle and then added the protein from the packet on top. I expected the protein powder to be white since it was vanilla but it had a bit of a brown color to it. I shook it up for about 10 seconds which is what I usually do with my protein powders. The Orgain protein powder did not seem to mix as well as my favorite. I shook it for another 10 seconds or so and it seemed to mix much better. A few extra seconds of shaking time isn't a big deal but I do like my protein to mix well so its not chunky at the bottom. The shake got pretty foamy so I had to let it settle for a few minutes before drinking it. The color of the protein shake was also a little brown which to me is a little off putting.


Upon my first sip of this protein shake it was pretty earthy tasting and a bit chalky. You could definitely tell that the protein comes from plant based items. I am not even sure that chalky is the right way to describe it. It kind of coats the mouth and leaves a little bit of film. The vanilla flavor was not too strong. I do not think that I would purchase this protein powder on my own but for someone who is vegan it would probably be a good choice. It was not terrible tasting but definitely not as delicious as some of the other protein powders I have tried.

If you are interested in trying it... you can find a COUPON HERE.

It is also available on If you are a new member you can get $10 off $30 by CLICKING HERE.

I received this sample for free for sampling purposes but all the opinions are my own.

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