Thursday, May 5, 2016

165 down, 20 to go

In August of 2015 I had RNY Gastric Bypass. I've lost a total of about 165lbs.

Starting in January of 2015 I begun seeing my bypass surgeon. I was given a diet plan to follow and was told to follow it for 6 months. Every month I'd had to come in to be weighed.

My starting weight was 367.5lbs.

I began walking everyday and measuring distance with my fitbit.

I started eating very low carb and keeping my calories under 1500 per day.

My normal day pre-surgery:

Coffee with sugar free creamer
Protein drink with less than 10 carbs per serving and at least 20g of protein. Preferably whey isolate.

Cheese sticks or cottage cheese or low carb yogurt or nuts

4oz lean protein
4-8oz of veggies
Usually some salsa or something to dip my neat in.

Or lunch meat and cheese and a veggie.

Afternoon snack-
Same variety as morning.

4oz lean protein
4 to 8oz veggie
Something to dip in.

Evening snack-
If I still felt hungry I'd have some fruit or some peanut butter before bed. Fruit became a dessert for me.

My doctors were very impressed at my final weigh in. I lost about half of my weight before surgery.

Watch out for future posts about my journey.

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